So try to think about what equipment and gadgets you really need. A laptop might be better for this office than a bulky desktop computer with a large monitor. At the same time be aware that you may not be able to store all things in your office that you would like to. Cut out paper templates or use tapes on the floor to outline the dimensions of your desk. So you’ve got a good idea of how everything will and will not fit. So, get the approximate dimensions of your must-have tools and supplies and double-check to make sure they will fit in the space.
- 2×4 Pine Stud – This will be used as the support for the floating butcher block desk.
- Most older homes have tiny closets compared to the standard walk-in closet that people value so much today.
- Combined with some storage, greenery, lighting, power women…
- So, before you can get started on your closet into office transformation, you need to think about what kind of office you plan on ending up with.
- There is no reason to keep your cloffice extremely professional or too clean in appearance.
Or you can add a picture or other items to make it look cozy and comfortable as well. You also would have much space for cabinets and shelves. That means in a regular home office set-up you would need to be very selective about how many office supplies, paperwork, and other things you store. But nicely and professionally installed lights can enhance your small home office. Not only will this make sure that you have proper lighting for your office desk area but also will look great if you don’t want to close your office after work.
Why I Ditched a WFH Desk for the…Floor
Your mini office can be anywhere an existing closet is. You may find that you already have a kitchen chair or stool that fits well into your closet office. If it’s made of wood or metal, perhaps shop for a cushion to increase your comfort level when perched there for several hours.
Now that your convert closet to office is clean, empty, and ready to go, think about lighting. Closets are dark by nature, and not conducive to productive work environments. Decide whether you want to add a pot light fixture or two, or simply desk lamps. Of course, space may be an issue, and you may have to settle for something smaller or more austere than you would otherwise prefer. If you have a repurposed coat closet, you may simply not have room for the same type of rolling office chair that would fit into a huge walk-in closet.
Taking frequent breaks throughout the day will help keep you more focused and productive. Get the latest This Old House news, trusted tips, tricks, and DIY Smarts projects from our experts–straight to your inbox. Having clearly labelled folders will help keep papers organized so they’re easy to identify and keep track of. When selecting a desk, take into consideration the space requirements.
Turning a closet into an office is the next best thing. If you can sacrifice some unutilized space, follow our tips on converting a closet to an office. Before, we had cords everywhere, two big monitors and a tower blocking the window, and just an overall messy look.
Personalise your cloffice
Doing so means that your office will be built with sustainable or recycled materials and finished with products that contribute to a healthy indoor environment. Rug on the floor beneath your work zone and replace your plain overhead lights with a colorful chandelier or other ornate fixture. Or simply add a nice globe or shade to soften the shadows of a single-source light. You can simply close the closet door on your office when you have overnight guests.
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